Emerger Strategies Blog: Kyle Schaefer is World’s 1st Carbon Neutral Fly Fishing Guide
Kyle Schaefer of Soul Fly Outfitters becomes world’s first carbon neutral fishing guide.
It’s Mid-season here along the Northeast coast, so it seemed like a good time to check in with some of our salty pro-staffers and get their advice on how to gear-up, and what to expect when you get on the water. The coast can be surprisingly diverse in New England, from river estuaries and salt ponds to rocky headlands and sandy beaches, not to mention the offshore environment. These three T&T Pros – Kyle Schaefer, Ross Kessler, and Abbie Schuster - cover it all, and each has a unique perspective on the best way to prep for their fishery.

5 Tips to Hone Your Craft
As a guide I spend 100’s of hours each season watching my clients present to fish. Every scenario and interaction between angler and fish is a learning experience. The nuances of each dance reveals why we were successful, or to the contrary, why we failed. Over time, distinct patterns develop. Common mistakes continue to surface as every angler works to grow. Below, I’ll discuss a few tweaks that will keep your fly in the zone longer, avoid missed strikes and ultimately get more fish to hand.

Proven Flies for Maine Striped Bass
Through years of guiding and fly fishing for striped bass in Northern New England I’ve developed preferences for proven fly patterns that work, year in and year out. From top water flies to assorted baitfish to shrimp and specialty flies, my fly box has a pattern for each situation I encounter on the water.

Maine Striped Bass Fly Fishing
What to expect fly fishing for striped bass in Maine. We fly fish the flats, rocky coast, pole the beaches, fish the estuaries, and search the marshes. Stripers fill into all the beautiful terrian and features of the Maine coast; lets fish for them exactly how we like.

The Anatomy of Maine’s Coast // Published: On The Water Magazine
The anatomy of fly fishing in Maine for Striped Bass.
A Toxic Pastime?
Striped bass are highly pressured as they migrate and resident on the east coast of the US through the year. Big breeder bass are essential to the reproduction of the population and vital to keeping our recreational fishery intact. We must protect these incredible fish and keep them swimming and spawning. Big breeder bass also make toxic table fare as their meat is filled with dangerous levels of mercury and PCB’s.
6 Reasons Why Striped Bass are a Perfect Fly Rod Fish
Striped bass are the perfect target for fly rodders in New England. There’s too many reason’s too list why stripers are the ideal quarry.

Gearing Up: Northeast Stripers on the Fly
Fly fishing gear for striped bass in Maine and New Hampshire.
Teamwork on the Flats Will Make or Break Your Day
Whether you are hoping in the skiff of an experienced guide or your best bud, teamwork on the flats can be the difference between a banner day of saltwater fly fishing or coming home with a skunk.
Striped Bass Fly Fishing: Maine Rocks
Big bass and beautiful scenery... fly fishing for striped bass in the dynamic rocky coast of Maine and NH.
Health of Our Piscataqua Estuary System: Fly Fishing & Striped Bass
Key Connections Between Estuary Health and Fly Fishing for Striped Bass.

Fishing Report: Think Like a Striper
It's August... Time to think like a striped bass is more important than ever.
Fly Fishing The Bold Coast for Striped Bass
Fly fishing the bold and rugged rocks of the Maine coast can be as rewarding as it is gorgeous. Current, surf, tide, and structure all interact to create great striped bass holding water and an environment where big fish thrive.

Soul Fly Philosophy
We all have a unique philosophy and explanation as to what draws us back to the water... again and again.

Fishing Report: Stripers Settling Into Their Summer Home
Fishing report of Portsmouth Harbor, Southern Maine and the NH coast.

Fishing Report: Fish Around Every Corner
Fishing report for Portsmouth Harbor, NH seacoast and Southern Maine.

Fishing Report: Life Returns to the Southern ME & NH Coast
Fishing Report for Portsmouth, NH and Kittery Maine including the Piscataqua River and southern Maine coast.